The new process made a viable torpedo attack possible upon receipt of a 30 to word radio message, rather than a 1,word or longer written order and accompanying blueprint. Through this practical application of Nval War College trainingthe group in produced a codified flotilla doctrine, a revolutionary document for employing destroyers in specific situations such as search, contact, and night attacks. These regular open discussions enabled the commanding officers to tackle the primary matters of developing torpedo tactics and doctrine. Sims sought to break the mold of previous commands, which did not utilize the perspective and intellect of subordinate officers. Instructors guided every student to derive general principles from their studies and peer discussions. The star performer of the first Long Course, William S. As the president of the Naval War College, Capt. This group began explicitly trying to develop doctrine for the Navy.
The creation of this doctrine was of the result of efforts by a group of reformers who had taught or studied at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island.
This seven-page document, written by the chief of naval operations, Adm.